Thoughts about Java

So, Java is my favourite programming language and this game is made in.

But Java isn't really a speedrunner. Noticed this cooldown just after starting the game? Ya, then JVM is probably translating its code to machine code. While adding new features, this cooldown may became longer (current cooldown is ~1 second on my pc).

So I've decided to at least try to make a working rewrite in a compiled language.

But, this game is made mostly because in some other game scaling didn't work. In Java it's very simple - just use java.awt.image.BufferedImage class and boom. Idk how to do this with popular graphics libraries like SDL (pygame does not count), SFML, GLFW/GLU or raylib.

Róóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóóst is just a bloated mess. It will not be the target (bW9yZSBpbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBvbiAxc3QgYXByaWwgMjAyMwo=). Haskell is obviously not the case. C++ is just weird, C is just "too easy", Zig is too variablish.

So, what to choose? First I went with beef, a language made by a creator of PvZ, which is really very fast, but building its compiler failed. I may return to it later on. So then I went with D, which is basically a compiled version of Java (with no swing sadly). For now I use raylib in there, but the game system is constructed that way, I can easily change it to any other.

So, what's currently working there? Well, only moving and the sprite manager.

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