DeamDung 1.3


  • added cows; they are big, tough, eject the player into air, can jump two blocks high and deal a good amount of damage; can be summoned by pressing 'O'
  • added cowmeat and its cooked variant


  • replaced 'you' with 'thou', and made some grammatical fixes
  • pigs (just as cows) attack when provoked, and eject the player into air
  • adjusted the amount of health regenerated by food
  • changed the 'Food' item selection tab icon

Animals can be angered by attacking them. Then they will pursue the player, until the player ventures too far away, or until the animal got damaged by something else. Dying does not stop the animal from pursuing thee, keep that in mind.


deamdung-1.3.jar 10 MB
1 day ago

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